
This is antranigv's notes server. Nothing fancy.


Here are the tools that I use for this notes server


  • Install and setup a web server
  • Setup SSH for authentication
  • Install rsync on the server and the client
  • Install the "Webpage HTML Export" plugin

Export all your notes to a single location, for example ~/Sites/Notes

Run this command to sync your notes to your web server.

rsync -avz ~/Sites/Notes/ notes:/usr/local/www/notes/ && \
osascript -e 'display notification "Notes are rsynced." with title "Sync: 👌 Done!"' || \
osascript -e 'display notification "Something went wrong..." with title "Sync: 😟 Error!"' 

osascript is macOS specific. It's AppleScript to display a notification.

You can use notify-send on *BSD/Unix/Linux machines.

I use the "Shell commands" plugin to automate my workflow, feel free to modify for your own needs :)